Overcoming Self-doubt Self-doubt is a bitch. And yet I don't know anyone that doesn't experience self-doubt. Why is this experience so universal? How to get what you deserve I recently had a life-changing ephiphany around deserving. All my life I have worked hard for everything I have. I Don’t believe others more than you believe in yourself Believing in myself is a theme that's come up for me throughout my life. I was raised in abuse, poverty, How to master productivity The #1 myth in achieving your goals is "just do it". Before you can actually get the job or make a 6-figure How to get the job you want If you're looking for bad in the world, you'll find it. If you're looking for good in the world, you'll Be true to you I went to a writing retreat in Hawaii and had a terrible time. My experience was terrible because I wanted How to believe in yourself when life gets hard It's easy to believe in yourself when things are going well. When you've just been hired in an exciting new Why it’s better to receive than to give My biggest lesson this past year has been learning it is better to receive than give. This is the lesson that How to reach your BIG DREAMS I'm going to tell you something you probably haven't heard before. What I'm going to tell you will probably go When not to follow your dreams I'm not your hope dealer. One of my biggest pet peeves in the personal development world is inspirational leaders selling Creating career change The past few weeks my clients have been feeling frustrated and discouraged. While my client's individual situations are quite different When your job isn’t working out Sometimes you know it on your very first day of work..... this job is not going to work out. Sometimes « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … 25 Next »