Ever need to get back on the same page with someone or with a group of people? Could be your
In addition to being able to hit rock bottom emotionally, we humans can also hit an emotional ceiling. Despite having
I grew up as a total "yes person". Would I give you a ride home?  Yes, of course. Would I
A few years ago, right around Thanksgiving, the relationship I was in ended very abruptly. I discovered a big deal-breaker
In my marketing work, I help clients choose the right words to say to their customers to get them to
Disagreements happen. Especially during an election year! It's normal that conflict makes you uncomfortable. I would estimate at least 90% of
It just happened again to me last week. I caught myself throwing up my hands about a sticky situation regarding
Every office has one- the office bully. That person who intimidates and manipulates those around him- disrupting work, destroying morale,
Every day I talk to people who are stuck in a rut. They're in a job with no future or
It was one of those days. One of those days when I left work I was just done. One of
Have you ever set a goal you didn't achieve? Maybe you didn't get a job you really wanted, or didn't
What does it take to be confident- to believe in yourself and encourage others to believe in you? On a