Are you having fun yet? It is often tempting to focus on the end result of our actions, on expectations and emotions, and forget to have fun and enjoy what you are doing.
Today, I challenge you to practice having fun in your day. Perhaps you can set aside a project for another day. If you have work that must be done today, actively enjoy your task as you do it. Add a little humor, energy, silliness, laughter and fun to your day.
You can lighten up burdensome tasks by taking a break and going outside and enjoying the sunshine. Take a walk, or even a skip. Revisit a comic, joke or website that makes you laugh. Share your laughter with others. Whatever you do today, have fun!
Enjoy these fun websites:
The Fun Theory Dedicated to the thought that something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better.
Sign Spotting Funny signs from around the world.
Sensational Quotes Funny and Humorous Sensational Quotes for Smart People
The Humor Project We seek to help people get more smileage out of their lives and jobs by applying the practical, positive power of humor and creativity.
Deep Fun with Bernie DeKoven, FUNCoach FUNcoaching helps people make things fun again.