9 Empowering Questions for Personal Growth


When facing struggle, challenge and growth, it’s easy to get bogged down in the details. Often when we tell our life stories, we spend too much time on the he said, she said, and not enough time focusing on what really matters to us as individuals. You may think that elaborating on the details supports your perspective or proves your point, when actually you are often missing the point.

It doesn’t matter what someone else said or did, and it matters only slightly more what you said and did. What matters is why you did and said those things- your core beliefs and perceptions about yourself and the world. What matters is what you are going to do next.

Asking powerful questions is, as the name suggests, a powerful way to reflect on your beliefs and values to help you choose the life you want to live, and what you choose to do.

Here are 9 powerful questions that will empower your life.

1. What is my truth?
When you consider a problem or challenge, ask yourself, “what is my truth about this situation?” You may prefer to say, “what is my belief about this situation?” Take a deep breath, ask the question, take another deep breath, and answer honestly.

2. How important is it?
Think about a situation that is bothering you and ask yourself, “how important is it?” Many stressful situations spark a sense of urgency that cause you to think a situation holds greater weight that it really does. Will you remember or care about this situation in 6 months, 1 year, or 5 years? If not, it’s probably not that important.

3. What’s my fear?
Many of your actions are driven by your fears. We commonly learn the wrong lessons from our past experiences, and let our fear of repeating those situations shape our present actions. Recognizing your fear can help you choose not to give into it.

4. What’s the worst that could happen?
Sometimes we act out of fear without actually acknowledging the worst case scenario and worst case scenario is usually not very likely to happen. Naming the worst case scenario can be useful in helping you realize it isn’t likely to actually happen, and realizing you can handle the situation even if it does.

5. What’s the best that could happen?
A positive outcome is just as likely as a negative outcome. Don’t get stuck in fearing the worst, acknowledge the best case scenario as well. Things might work out for the best, and often do if you choose to see it.

6. What are my options?
Often when we are in a difficult situation, we feel stuck. We make excuses for why we’re stuck instead of creating solutions. Make a list of every possible response to a situation. Don’t be afraid to include outrageous responses as these options might spark a great idea in addition to keeping your situation in perspective.

7. What’s my motivation?
A great tool in practicing positive motivation is to THINK. Is your solution True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary and Kind? If it doesn’t meet all of these qualifications, your beliefs and actions may require adjustment.

8. How can I take care of myself in this moment?
Self care is an important practice to living a balanced and healthy life. When faced with a difficult situation, it’s easy to forget to care for your basic needs. In times of stress, don’t forget to take care of you. Do at least 5 things to take care of yourself. If you can’t do 5, do one.

9. If I could do one thing differently today, what would it be?
Ask, answer and do it.

I love your comments! Do you ask yourself powerful questions? How has it changed your life?

If you enjoyed this post, check out my book, Beautiful Badass: How to Believe in Yourself Against the Odds!

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