Do you realize the value of your talents? Do you make the most of your experiences? Do you cherish your individual perspective? You have a beautiful gift to share with the world- no matter your job, your business, or your place in life. The challenge is discovering your personal power- that wonderful gift that’s unique to you- and use it to create a purposeful life!
Please enjoy this guest post from my good friend Steve Rice at True Spiritual Awakening, sharing an equation for discovering your personal power.
A Powerful Equation to Uncover the Value of Your Gifts
I remember sitting across from a guidance counselor at my school. I was there to go over the results of the aptitude test I had taken earlier that school year. He said to me, “according to your results, you’d be a good teacher.”
A teacher? I thought. No way!
I shut him off at that point. I had a picture of what a teacher was (and did) and I didn’t want to be a teacher.
Have you ever rejected your talents ? Many of us shut life up when it begins to reveal to us our unique gifts because they aren’t what we expect or wish they were.
Your Talents Are the Secret to Your Personal Power
We talk a lot about personal power. We talk about losing it, giving it away, and reclaiming it. Your power is never gone. It cannot be diminished (except in your own mind). It lies within you.
The challenge is that we diminish our unique gifts in our own minds and in our own estimation. We do this by comparing what we believe we can (or cannot) do with what others are doing or have done.
We also do this by equating value with dollars. We think that the movie star or musician who earns a million dollars a year has a more valuable “gift” than we do. The true value of the gift lies in the hearts of those who experience it. Money has nothing to do with the true value of your gift itself.
Recognizing the Value of Your Gifts
It takes a shift of your belief system to recognize the inherent value of your gifts.
Years ago, I used to live near an art museum. Because admission was free, I would walk through the museum two or three times a month. I knew all the artwork on display.
No matter how often I toured the museum, there was always something “new”. I would walk around the corner and see a painting or sculpture and think, I’ve never seen that before, even though it had been there all along.
This is what happens in life. Our experiences and beliefs are constantly evolving. When you realize that everyone has a unique experience in life and a unique perspective, you will start to recognize that your unique perspective is a powerful gift others are yearning for.
Think about this… even if you had a single message to bring to the world and you brought it repeatedly, with all your heart and soul, it would be valuable to the world because every person won’t hear your message the same way.
Ghandi had a message of peace.
Martin Luther King, Jr. had a message of justice through nonviolence.
Mother Teresa had a message of love and compassion for the poor.
What is your message?
You are enough. The deepest longing of your soul is your gift.
The Equation
Your Unique Talents
Your Unique Experiences
Your Unique Perspective
Your Personal Power
If you add your skills, your experiences and the unique perspective in life, you can wield exceptional personal power in your own life and the lives of others.
Don’t shut out your gifts. Invite them in. Honor them. Value your life lessons and claim your power.
Steve Rice is the owner of True Spiritual Awakening. He is an author and spiritual teacher committed to creating a well-lived life and helping others to do the same by helping them bridge the gap between abstract philosophy and practical, hands-on tools which, together, create a life of momentum. You can follow him on Twitter or connect on Facebook.
I love your comments! What did you think of Steve’s inspirational post? Do you embrace your unique gifts and recognize their true value?