If you’re not nice to you, who will be? Don’t you deserve to give yourself a break? I know I do!
I’m a recovered perfectionist, fully enjoying a peaceful, happy life after many years stressing over getting every little detail right. I’m sure I’m not alone because when I look around me I see many people burdened by perfectionism and struggling with the self-doubt, intense anxiety, and feelings of guilt and shame that often come with perfectionism.
When I look further I see people who aren’t perfectionists, yet still seem to be overwhelmed with day-to-day life. In this increasingly connected world it’s sometimes difficult to just stop and be. Pressures over money and family push people to the max. And work? Many people are working in jobs were they are expected to do more with less.
Yep, we all need to give ourselves a break- at least one a day!
17 Ways to give yourself a break
Photo credit: Twitchphoto
01. Take a break
Most people I know that work in an office job skip breaks entirely. There’s too much to do and any quasi-break is spent at your checking Facebook and does that really count as a break?
Taking a break can actually help you get more done, and it’s a simple and easy way to give yourself a break.
02. Unsubscribe and unplug
How many hours do you waste with digital distractions? Are you subscribed to email lists you don’t really care about? Do you spend hours on Facebook every day?
Maybe it’s time to simplify and declutter your digital life! Put your energies into an activity that you truly enjoy.
03. Leave work on time
Yeah, you’ve got tons of work to do and an ever-growing to-do list- I do, too! Studies show that employees that work overtime actually get less done in the long term, becoming less effective overall.
Forget your to-do list and leave work on time. Go ahead, give it a try!
04. Leave work early
And while we’re on the subject of working less instead of more, leave early every once in a while- maybe even today!
05. Slash your to-do list
Do you ever feel like you’re a slave to your to-do list? There’s so much expected of you and so much you need to do- but maybe there’s items on your list that aren’t really necessary and don’t add value to your work and your life.
Take a hard look at your to-do list and cross off any items that really aren’t necessary or important to you.
06. Ask for help
Asking for help not only helps you- it fosters teamwork, promotes collaborative relationships, and values your time and can give someone else a chance to do something different or use a skill they don’t use every day.
07. Procrastinate
Sometimes it’s okay to put off something that can be left to another day- especially if you find you really need a break today.
08. Make mistakes
Okay, I’m not really suggesting you make mistakes on purpose- I am suggesting making mistakes is a-okay! And, really, mistakes are inevitable. You’re not perfect, are you?
When you do make a mistake you can make the best of it! No need to beat yourself up or get defensive- learn and move on!
09. Stop complaining
Complaining drags you down and you’ve got enough other things to deal with. Go on a complaining diet. Stop complaining and start living!
10. Say no
If you’re truly unable or unwilling to say yes go ahead and say no.
11. Manage your expectations
Expectations is the root of a lot of unhappiness. When you manage your expectations you direct your energy in a more positive direction. Instead of focusing on what you desire, focus on what you do. You’ll be happier and less stressed- so will the people around you!
12. Let go of a grudge
I’ve heard it said that holding on to resentments is like drinking poison and hoping the other person will die. What was done is over and done. It can’t be changed now. Process your feelings and let go of a grudge.
13. Give someone else a break
Giving someone else a break is a great motivator to give ourselves a break! Both of you deserve it!
14. Be kind to others
And while we’re on the subject of giving someone else a break, there are many ways to be kind to others- especially at work!
The kinder you are to others, the better you’ll feel about you. And the kinder you are to others, the kinder they’ll be to you when you need someone else to give you a break.
15. Be kind to you
“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” ~Dalai Lama
Kindness starts with you! With you, being kind to yourself!
16. Have fun
Have fun with your life. Every day do something you enjoy. Find ways to make mundane tasks more fun. Add fun wherever you can!
17. Do your best and forget the rest
Forget about results- just do your best. After all, that’s all you really can do anyway.
I love your comments! How will you give yourself a break today?