As we approach the end of the year many people start thinking about their goals for the new year. I’m thinking about mine and, let me tell you, I have big plans for 2017, including polishing my TEDx talk, growing my business, and writing a book! Whew!
What about you? Did you accomplish what you wanted in 2016? What do you want to be different next year? What do you want to do in 2017?
If you need some help setting your goals for the new year, I’ve got some great resources for you!
6 Tips for setting and achieving your goals for 2017!
01. Set goals that matter
Set goals based on what you want to create, not what you want to get. Let me explain… Let’s say you want a new job in 2017. Why do you want a new job? What does that mean for you? Maybe your motivation is to enjoy a more flexible work schedule, or to make more money, or do work you love. Knowing why your goal matters to you can help you stay on track and even help you find alternate paths to create the life you really want.
02. Identify your one-word goal
Come up with one word that signifies the life you want to create in the new year. Let that one word guide your goals, your choices, and your actions throughout the year.
03. Avoid goal-setting mistakes
Avoid these 5 goal setting mistakes, such as setting goals motivated by shame, comparison, a false sense of happiness, basing your goals on your dreams, and being too results-focused.
04. Create a vision board to guide you
Vision boards are a great way to focus and motivate yourself throughout the year! A vision board is a visual representation of the goals you’re working to achieve. Looking at your vision board every day can keep you on track and inspired every day!
05. Say no to requests that are not aligned with your goals
When you say yes to one thing, you say no to something else- usually yourself! This year, consider yourself first! Say no to requests and opportunities that will take you away from your goals instead of towards your goals.
6. Get help setting and achieving your goals!
If you’re not where you want to be in your career, get unstuck and uncover your next career move. Download the worksheet to get clarity, focus, and direction on your career goals for 2017!