If you’re looking for bad in the world, you’ll find it. If you’re looking for good in the world, you’ll find that, too.
So what do you get when you’re looking for a job? You get the job you’re looking for.
The problem is most job seekers aren’t clear on what job they’re looking for. When I ask job seekers what job they want, they typically list a variety of jobs with vastly different descriptions and skills. It goes something like this… “well, I can do accounting, or HR, or admin. Or” as an afterthought, “marketing.”
Or, worse yet, job seekers are looking for the job they think they can get, not the job they want.
If you’re looking for the wrong job, you’ll find it.
So how do you look for the right job? Here’s a simple exercise I use with clients to get clear on exactly what you’re looking for.
Write a reverse classified ad. Write the job posting for the job you want!
Using the above example, it might look something like this:
Dynamic office manager with 8 years experience in accounting, HR, and marketing seeks opportunity with a small-to-medium sized business in the Denver area. The ideal organization has a great company culture that values creativity, collaboration, and innovation.
The ideal organization is a service-based consulting business that has been in business 5+ years with a proven track-record of growth, offers competitive pay and benefits, flex time, and promotes from within.
As you can see from the example, the picture of this candidate’s ideal job is clear. This candidate knows exactly what she is looking for, and she will find it.
The reason she will find this job is because she can clearly and easily communicate what she is looking for and she can focus her attention on only those opportunities that are a match. And, because of her clarity, her passion and enthusiasm will easily shine through in her job search. Employers want to hire people who are passionate and excited about the job for which they are hiring.
And, the reverse classified ad exercise works for a variety of situations besides your job search! For example, use this exercise if you’re an entrepreneur who wants to attract more clients.
The reverse classified is also useful when you’re shopping for a car or home, looking to adopt a new furry family member, or you’ve just moved and you want to make friends in your new neighborhood.
When you’re clear about what you want in your life, you get more of what you want and less of what you don’t!
Imagine what you could have if you were clear about what you want, and you went after it. How would your life be different if you had a job you wanted? How would your life be different a year from now if you changed how to approach your career development?
Maybe you need more than one simple exercise to change your life. I’d like to tell you who I attract in my business. Read on if you’re feeling you’re capable of so much more….
I work with mid-career professionals and service-based entrepreneurs who want more from life and career! They are passionate people that want to increase their impact and income. They know they are capable of greater success! They have hit a ceiling in their professional growth and are ready to break through.
After working together, my clients are doing work they love, getting paid well to do it, and are happier in and out of the office!
Have I just described you? Click this link and apply for a complimentary coaching session! I can help you have the career and life of your dreams!