I am most changed when I stop seeking, stop fighting, stop struggling and accept what is.
Hello my name is confidence!
Self-esteem doesn’t come from what you look and feel like on the outside, it comes from within. Your core beliefs determine your self-worth. You can choose and create a new belief about you- you are great!
Discover your choices and own your success!
If you stop and reflect on your attitudes, you can re-adjust your perspective and begin to take responsibility of your experience.
Practice constructive and respectful conflict resolution
Practice constructive and respectful conflict resolution and love your work-life!
Turn negative feedback into accomplishments.
A positive attitude is contagious, and you will soon have the people around you rallying behind you and supporting you to do great work.
This is how I define success.
Success is emotional health, unburdened happiness, discovering choices and embracing opportunity.
Let your intentions shape your life!
Once you start living an actively intentioned life, you will be amazed at the opportunities and personal achievements you have manifested.
Be the fun you want to enjoy in the world.
Whatever you do today, have fun!
Discover balance in your work-life.
When you feel pressured by expectations, remember that a work-life balance will give you the energy and enthusiasm to be your best at your work and your life.
Value your work accomplishments.
Consider the value you bring to your employer, and pursue a career path that makes use of your value.