Positive thinking can be a powerful tool to balance overwhelming negative thoughts and associated feelings of hopelessness. Negative experiences can stick with you, and sometimes seem to hang on far too long. Intentional positive thinking can be used to counteract lingering memory of hurt, disappointment and frustration so you can move forward with a centered, healthy and open perspective. Positive … Read More
How to have a great day (almost) every day!
Since starting this blog I’ve empowered my goal of living a great life and having a great day every day. I’m pleased to say I’ve had far more good days than bad, and the abundance of good days help get me through the bad days that happen from time-to-time. As I practice the positive, healthy behaviors and attitudes I write … Read More
Links to Love: Inspiring Gratitude
Scientific studies have shown that negative experiences have a greater affect on our well-being than positive experiences. These studies reflect the importance of nurturing and promoting positive experiences in life to enjoy a life of good health, happiness and success. No one has a perfect life and true happiness is not the result of your external experience being positive, but … Read More
How To Manage Change
Stability is a concept of the past. Very few of us have true job security or business security, and changes in technology and business force us to adapt to change if we want to enjoy our best life and career success. Three years ago I started looking for work for the first time in over 5 years in a completely … Read More
Get Gratitude: 3 Simple Steps for Living
Living a grateful life means consciously interacting with your life and mindfully honoring the truths of your existence.
Links to Love: How to be happy
You don’t have to let minor inconveniences get you down, choose happiness instead!
It’s your career- love what you do!
You can get the most of the career you have now and find contentment and happiness in your work-life. Dare to dream and explore, just not at the expense of your present joy.
How To Live Healthy: An Essential Guide To Self Care
A truly healthy life means living healthy mentally, emotionally and physically. Taking care of your mind and body reduces stress and minimizes emotional and physical injury, boosts mood and creativity, increases focus and nurtures a happy life.
Hello my name is confidence!
Self-esteem doesn’t come from what you look and feel like on the outside, it comes from within. Your core beliefs determine your self-worth. You can choose and create a new belief about you- you are great!
Stop Negative Thoughts, Encourage Postive Thinking
Just for today, love yourself enough to let go of the struggle over something that is out of your hands. Most days that’s pretty much everything!