Self-love and self-confidence are attractive qualities that will allow you to be your best and have your best to give to your work and your life.
Rediscover your goals and revive your intentions.
Today, and every day, I have the opportunity to give this day my best effort.
Embrace responsibility for loving your work-life!
Loving my work-life means I have the opportunity and choice to be responsible for myself.
Asking for recognition is a self-honoring action.
Loving my work-life starts with loving myself, acknowledging my accomplishments and sharing my achievements.
Find your recognition motivators and love your work-life!
What kind of recognition to you desire in your work-life? Office Team’s Recognize Results survey suggests that office professionals desire many forms of achievement recognition from raises or cash bonuses, training, and membership in professional organizations to a simple “thank you”. From Office Team’s survey, the forms of recognition valued most by administrative professionals, as ranked by managers and support … Read More
Your well-being is the key to acheiving work-life balance.
Let your personal health and well-being be your priority and trust that professional success will naturally occur as you adeptly manage professional change and do your best work each day.