Who are the supporters of your truth?

I was talking to a good friend about our career paths, and following the careers of our dreams. Having recently completed a free workshop at Larimer County Workforce Center, called Creating Career Options, I am feeling particularly inspired, engaged and energized in my career development. At the close of the conversation with my friend, she said we are each others “supporter of truths”.

Though it would be easy to fall prey to the desperation and fear that is prevalent in the world today, I choose to enjoy each day as much as I can, and love my work and my life. I choose to see endless possibilities instead of endless limitations. When a possibility becomes closed to me, I see it as an opportunity to explore another direction- perhaps a direction I haven’t imagined yet.

Loving my work and my life, and living to the fullest, is not a task I can accomplish alone. I do it with the support, enthusiasm, courage and faith of supporters of my truth. I surround myself with people who actively seek out their dreams, and work to better themselves and the world we share.

Many of these connections are made through networking. I share my goals and dreams with those in my immediate circle of connections, and the professionals I meet through professional organizations, networking events, at my place of work, through LinkedIn, and blogging.

I devised, from my friend’s words, that networking is about surrounding myself with supporters of my truth.

I am very grateful for all the opportunities I choose to see and explore. I am even more grateful for the connections in my life that support the discovery and development of my career and inspire me to trust in myself and follow my dreams.

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