Get more interviews with a mindful approach.

On my career journey, it’s more important than ever for me to find an opportunity that uses my skills and experience, and supports me in my career goals. When I’m in harmony in my role at work, I provide greater value to my employer, and I am more open to loving my work and finding a healthy work-life balance. To find the right career opportunity, I must first get interviews.

Employers are receiving more resumes per job opening than most employers can reasonably review. Here are some tips that have improved my response rate from employers in my own job search:

1) Tailor your resume to match the job posting. A hiring manager is looking for key skills and qualifications that match the job description. I highlight my experience in these areas by removing job experience and skills that do no match to the job I’m applying for. Leave out information that does not relate to the job.

2) Include a targeted cover letter with every resume submission. There’s little value in writing a general cover letter just to send a cover letter. Instead, introduce yourself and specifically reference your skills and experience that are a match for the position. While this information is also in your resume, you’ll receive a better response rate if you make it easier for the hiring manager by comparing your skills to the job posting.

3) Don’t be afraid to show a little personality! After reading through hundreds of dry, impersonal cover letters, showing a little personality can work to your advantage. Be appropriate and professional, and be yourself.

4) Copy your cover letter and resume into the body of the email. Make the hiring process easier by pasting your cover letter and resume in the body of the email so hiring managers can review your skills and qualifications without having to download attachments and run a virus check before opening them. I’ve heard several hiring managers say they screen out applicants who attach documents and leave the email body blank.

5) Pay attention to the requirements of the job posting. If you do not have the required skills and experience, don’t apply. Sending your resume blindly in response to every posting is the equivalent of spam. If you don’t have the required skills and you feel you have transferable skills, apply and detail how your transferable skills relate to the job posting in your cover letter.

6) Pay attention to the requirements of the job posting. If the employer requests salary requirements or other information be included in your response, make sure to include the information they are requesting or at least address the request in your cover letter.

Experiencing joy in your work and your life takes patience, practice and active engagement in your world. Apply for jobs that inspire you, and show employers what you have to give by sending purposeful and thoughtful responses to job postings. Good luck!

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