10 ways to get happy now

I don’t know about you, but the last few weeks have been busy, exhausting, exciting, challenging, scary, and yes, even a little bit depressing for me.

There’s so much big, important stuff happening in my life and the world at large. There’s the election. The holidays are just around the corner. And that’s not even including everything that’s going on in my personal and professional life. It’s enough to make a girl crazy!

Maybe it’s been a hectic couple of weeks for you, too.

It’s tempting to sacrifice happiness now for the promise of happiness in the future. It’s easy to get so caught up in activity of the day that we forget to stop and just be happy. Sometimes we create unhappiness in our lives. We start to think, “I’ll be happy when….

When? Why not now?!

Here are 10 8 ways to get happy now. Right now. This very minute! For real! I promise!


01. Write a gratitude list

It’s so simple and it works! What’s not to love? Write out a gratitude list and get happy.

02. Do something you love

When was the last time you did something you loved just for the enjoyment of doing it? Take even just 15 minutes to do something you love!

03. Connect to someone you love

Send a message to someone you’ve been thinking of. Reach out to a family member or friend. Connecting creates happiness!

04. Cross one item off your to-do list

Do one small thing that’s been nagging at you. Go ahead, just get one thing done!

05. Cross another item off your to-do list without doing it

Cross off that thing that’s been nagging at you to do but it doesn’t really need to be done. Just get rid of it!

06. Be kind

Any act of kindness, no matter how small, will boost your mood!

07. Practice self-care

Move yourself to the top of your list! Take care of your health and wellness– it’s starts with just one act of self-care.

08. Half-ass it

I’ve got to be honest, I have had a full day and I am ready for some downtime. Writing this post is the last thing on my to-do list so here I am, half-assing it. This list was originally 10 ways to be happy, now it’s 8. Done is better than perfect. #sorrynotsorry

There, now don’t you feel better? I know I do.

Did you enjoy this content? There’s a lot more like it in my book, “Beautiful Badass: How to Believe In Yourself Against the Odds!”

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