7 Signs It’s Time to Quit Your Job

It’s Sunday night. You’re curled up on the couch watching The Walking Dead and that’s when it hits you- you’d rather face a zombie horde than go to work tomorrow.

Some call it the “Sunday scaries”; it’s the sense of dread that creeps in when you realize the weekend is over and tomorrow you have to go back to work.

Maybe your work environment is toxic, a clear sign it’s time to move on. Or maybe there isn’t a big flashing neon sign that it’s time, and still you’re unfulfilled, underpaid, or just miserable.

Maybe you’ve been stuck in dead-end job, going nowhere, for some time now.

These feelings could apply to your 9-5, your volunteer gig, or any type of professional commitment.

If you’re not sure if it’s time to quit, here are 7 warning signs.

signs it's time to quit

01. You suffer from the “Sunday scaries”.

It’s difficult to enjoy your day off because you know you have to go back to work tomorrow. This is a clear sign it’s time for a change. Before jumping ship, explore why you’re unhappy so you don’t end up in the same situation all over again.

Similarly, if you find yourself crying on your way to work, at work, or as you’re leaving for the day, something is seriously wrong.

I once worked at a job so toxic I found myself crying in the car on the way to work several days in a row. I quit soon thereafter.

02. You have been passed over for promotion, time and again.

If you’ve actively applied for promotion and were not selected, it’s time to reflect. The problem may be with your company- or it could be you.

Notice who got the promotion and what they do differently. Do they gracefully accept credit and praise? Do they speak up in meetings and share their ideas? Do they keep track of their accomplishments? If you’re not doing these things, the problem might be you. Look for ways to own and communicate your value at work.

In some cases you were passed over for promotion because your company doesn’t value you. Perhaps you are a high achiever and your company prefers to hire average performers who won’t ask questions. In this case, it’s time to move on.

I worked for a company that regularly promoted staff members who showed up late, missed work, and barely got the job done. The people who were likely to be promoted also allowed themselves to be bullied- working extra hours without pay, ignoring safety concerns at upper management request, etc. I realized the reason I never got the promotion is because I wasn’t willing to be bullied at work.

03. Your company has reorganized more than once in the past 3 years.

An obvious sign of a mismanaged organization is one that reorganizes the company structure every 6-12 months. This reorganization might look like creating and redistributing teams or rotating top management.

While some “successful” companies restructure once a year or more, this behavior is an indicator that management is out-of-touch, employees aren’t valued, and it’s usually a poor place to work with limited growth and opportunities.

I worked for a company that reorganized 3 times in the span of 2 years. While the company appeared successful on the outside, with each reorganization the workplace culture and employee retention deteriorated. Many employees went 3 years or more without even a basic cost-of-living raise. 

04. Employee turnover is high.

Another sign that it’s time to move on is when you find yourself working at any company where employee turnover is high. According to one study by the Society for Human Resource Management, SHRM, the average turnover is 19%. It’s bad news if your company turnover is more than 20%. Employees are leaving for a reason.

Before accepting your next position, ask about the employee turnover rate before you make your decision.

I know someone who worked for a small company with 10 employees that lost 1 employee every 6 weeks, on average! Yikes!

05. You aren’t given the tools and support needed to be successful in your job.

Being good at your job requires more than doing good work. You need the right resources to be successful- resources such as efficient computer software and hardware, effective training, a well-lit quiet and comfortable workspace, etc.

You also need a manager that clearly communicates expectations, a regularly-updated employee handbook, and qualified HR representation.

If you’re being asked to do a good job without the proper tools and support, you’re unlikely to be successful at your job no matter how hard you try. Working in this type of environment is a recipe for failure and frustration.

Someone I know was hired at a company that refused to pay for pens and pencils, wouldn’t replace the broken water heater, and wouldn’t take care of a cockroach problem in the employee break room. Gross!

06. You give too much.

You go above and beyond every time. You work late. You take on extra work. You cover for coworkers who aren’t pulling their weight. You don’t say no.

If you’re in a pattern of over-giving at work, you probably hate your job. In this case, quitting might not be your best option as this habit of giving too much will likely continue at your next job. Before you move on, start addressing your behavior. Set boundaries at work. Say no. Improve your work-life balance.

Many of my clients are high achievers that work too hard and give too much. These women are underappreciated and underpaid. One such client got a $10,000 annual raise by adjusting her attitude about work, giving an appropriate amount, and asking for what she was worth.

07. You’re on the verge of burnout.

You’re overworked and overwhelmed. You are experiencing chronic health problems. You’re burned out.

Burnout isn’t always a sign it’s time to leave your job. Take a look at the reasons you’re burned out, and determine if these are factors you can influence. Make the necessary changes.

If your burnout is out of your control, it’s likely time to move on.

I’ve experienced burnout that I could influence, and burnout that was out of my control. When the burnout was the result of my own attitudes and actions, I changed my behavior and my situation dramatically improved!

Know these 7 signs it may be time to leave your job, and decide if it’s truly time to quit. Life’s too short to be miserable at work!

So you decided it is time to move on, what’s next? Download my easy-to-follow 7-step plan to Uncover Your Next Career Move! Get the worksheet!


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