20 great questions to ask in a job interview

As a career coach I see job seekers make a lot of mistakes. One of the biggest mistakes job seekers make is looking for the job you think you can get rather than the job you want. Don’t make this mistake!

Going after the obvious job may be the reason you end up bored and frustrated at work, changing jobs every few years.

Even worse- you end up in a dead end job for 5+ years because it’s easier to stick with the job you’ve got than find another job.

Eventually you’ll end up at my door, looking for help because you’re sick of dreading work and tired of not making enough money.

It doesn’t have to be this way! One of the first things I help my career clients with is getting clear on the job you want and getting that job.

It starts with applying for jobs you actually desire but it doesn’t end there. The process of finding the right job for you continues all the way through from applying for the job, to questions you ask in the interview, to accepting the offer.

You can improve your chances of landing a fulfilling and well-paying job by being discerning throughout the hiring process. The interview is your opportunity to ask great questions and determine if you want the job. Stop looking for a job- any job. Start looking for the right job for you!

Before you go into the interview, get clear on your priorities. I recommend writing a “Must Have/ Can’t Stand” list. What qualities are a must have for you to be happy at work? What qualities are a “can’t stand”?

Here’s some examples to get you started thinking about your “Must Have/ Can’t Stand” list to describe the company you want to work for:

  • Fun
  • Innovative
  • Creative
  • Collaborative
  • Cutting Edge
  • Open office environment
  • Quiet workspace
  • Opportunity to work remotely
  • Small close-knit team
  • Large company with over 1,000 employees
  • Philanthropic focus
  • Stable
  • Consistent
  • Ethical
  • Traditional

These are just suggestions- create a list that works for you. Once you have your “Must Have/ Can’t Stand” list you can decide what questions you want to ask in your interview and discern how well the company culture fits the company you want to work for.

great interview questions

I’m going to share with you 20 great questions to ask in an interview. I don’t recommend asking all of these questions- think about your ideal job/company, and ask 6-8 questions to help you decide if you really want the job.

Culture and values

01. What do you (the interviewer) like best about working here?

02. If you (the interviewer) could change anything about the company, what would you change?

03. How would you (the interviewer) describe the company culture?

04. What do you (the interviewer) see in your future at this company?

05. Tell me about a big win for you (the interviewer) or your team in the last year.

Management and leadership

06. If I were hired for this position, how will I know when I’m doing a good job?

07. How will I know if I’m not meeting expectations?

08. How would you (the interviewer) describe your management style?

09. What would your current team say they like best about working with you (the interviewer) ?

10. Tell me about the last time you (the interviewer) showed appreciation for a team member/ team.

Position and expectations

11. Describe a typical day for the person you hire for this position. What environment do they work in and what do they do? Who do they interact with?

12. What is the biggest challenge for the person you hire in this role?

13. What did the last person in this role do exceptionally well?

14. Thinking of the last employee in this role, what could they have improved?

15. What skills and experience does your (the interviewer) ideal candidate have?

At this point the interviewer is going to tell you exactly what qualities they want in a candidate. This is an excellent opportunity for you to recap your matching qualifications and remind them you are their ideal candidate!

Hiring process

16. What’s the next step in the hiring process? Will there be additional interviews?

17. How many candidates are you interviewing for this position?

18. When are you planning to make a decision?

19. Will I be notified whether or not I’m chosen to move forward in the interview?

20. If I don’t hear from you, may I follow up with you?

Asking great questions in your interview is the best way to ensure you find a well-paying job you’ll love. No more changing jobs every 1-2 years or over-staying your welcome at a boring or stressful job that sucks the life out you!

If you’re stuck in a job you hate and you’re wondering what’s next for you, get unstuck and uncover your next career move. Click here to download the worksheet!

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